Tag: Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Apprenticeship 2021

Join Anne in 2021 for her hugely popular ayurvedic apprenticeship course held at her home in the Cotswolds

Anne is offering a unique opportunity of studying with her for a series of 4 two day workshops during 2021 devised for herb lovers, students and practitioners alike. She will introduce you to the basic and yet inspiring concepts of Ayurveda and relate these to an understanding of yourselves and others as well as to the use of herbs.

The apprenticeship runs over four sets of weekdays between April and September 2021. The course will consist of written material as well as 4 practical workshops during which we will cover in some detail the incredible body of wisdom that Ayurveda offers, with its complete path of healing that can enhance our lives in profound and lasting ways. It also includes a delicious vegetarian lunch and refreshments on both days.

We will be looking both at the herbs which surround us, as well as those used traditionally within the Ayurvedic tradition. We will discuss their pranic qualities and how they may be used from both Western and Eastern perspectives for a range of different health issues. You will be given detailed monographs of a variety of these herbs. Year 2 will follow on from year 1 and is suitable for those that have already completed Anne’s first year apprenticeship, and those who have studied Anne’s online course.

The course will be held at Anne’s home in the Cotswolds, where she has a beautiful herb garden with over 150 medicinal plants, laid out in a spiral that represents a journey through a woman’s life expressed through herbs.

2021 Apprenticeship Dates

Year 1 – Tuesdays and Wednesdays
May 4th & 5th
June 15th & 16th
July 13th & 14th
September 14th & 15th

Year 2 – Tuesdays and Wednesdays
April 27th & 28th
June 8th & 9th
July 6th & 7th
September 7th & 8th

Living Wisdom: the Foundations of Ayurveda

Have you heard about Anne’s online Ayurveda course, Living Wisdom: The Foundations of Ayurveda? Living Wisdom has been created for anyone interested in exploring the healing wisdom of Ayurveda and learning its practical tools – precious gifts for guiding us to living a healthy and balanced life. Anne’s intent with this course is to share the inspiration, philosophy, concepts, principles and practical applications of this extraordinary path of health.

Living Wisdom: The Foundations of Ayurveda Course invites you to explore the amazing world of Ayurveda and to be inspired by the philosophy, principles and practical applications of its timeless wisdom. The online format means you can study from anywhere in the world at your own pace. Optional practical workshops with Anne are also available during your period of study.

As Ayurveda’s sister science yoga continues to flourish, the popularity of Ayurveda as a practical and effective complement to our modern healthcare system is fast increasing. An ever-expanding volume of scientific research continues to verify Ayurveda’s extraordinary wisdom and knowledge.

Health, Healing and Longevity

With its emphasis on preventative health, healing and promotion of longevity, Ayurveda is more than a system of medicine; it is a way of life that aims to enhance well-being through the union of physical, emotional and spiritual health.

We have called this course Living Wisdom because although very philosophical, Ayurveda is essentially practical and only really comes alive when you start to live by its wisdom and advice, and experience for yourself its power to transform. It truly is living wisdom.

Benefits of the Foundations of Ayurveda Course

  • 700 pages you can download as your reference guide for life
  • Learn to live a healthy and balanced life for yourself and your family
  • Learn in an online format from anywhere in the world on your laptop or device at your own pace
  • Discover tools to develop your spiritual practice
  • Integrate Ayurveda into your yoga practice and teaching
  • Integrate Ayurvedic principles into your current healthcare practice
  • Learn more about Ayurvedic foods and herbs
  • Learn with the support of an online community
  • Explore whether Ayurveda has potential as a future career for you!

Study Requirements

  • Work through all the lessons on the website (approximately 700 pages). This will be approximately 200 hours of study in total
  • Complete all the lesson quizzes and experiential exercises within 18 months

March Newsletter

Spring Cleaning, why we need to detox

Just as we regularly take showers, wash our hair, brush our teeth and tend to the outside of our bodies, the internal systems of our body – most importantly our digestive system – benefit from regular cleansing and care.

Toxins are a product of our everyday lives and are related to our lifestyles, our diet and digestion, the health of our gut, our environment, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and our emotional patterns and tendencies. They are substances that are potentially harmful to the body; they lower our defences and predispose us to ill health. Free radical damage occurs due to the accumulation of toxins in the body and research highlights the role of free radicals in the ageing process, the development of many degenerative diseases and immunological problems.

If you experience symptoms such as fatigue, sluggish elimination, skin problems, allergies, frequent infections, bags under the eyes, abdominal bloating, menstrual difficulties, depression or foggy-mindedness, your body might be telling you it is ready for a detox! It may be time to change your eating habits, live a healthier lifestyle and cleanse your body of toxins so you can reap the benefits of being healthier with increased energy, vitality and enthusiasm for life.

Ayurveda gives us two levels of detoxification treatments: one that we can easily do at home and incorporate into our lives and one that requires deeper cleansing and the support of trained specialists.

Shamana involves enhancing digestion and elimination and is called ‘palliation therapy’. It is a slower and gentler method of detoxification, best suited to home treatment as it does not require the same amount of preparation or the stronger purification methods of panchakarma. It can be employed as part of a milder detox approach for those not needing or not being able to undergo deeper cleansing. Palliation therapy can be done at the junction of the seasons – such as winter into spring – and whenever needed, but not in cold weather. When done regularly can be as effective as panchakarma.

Shodana is the deep and thorough cleansing of the srotas known as ‘purification therapy’, or panchakarma, which necessitates residential care in special therapy centres. There are some existing panchakarma centres in Europe and in the United States but otherwise this is only available in India and Sri Lanka.

Why Detox in Spring?

In winter, the cold weather causes our bodies to contract, inhibiting the free flow of nutrients and wastes, and making it hard for the body to release toxins. It is a time for hibernation and storing our vital energy. It is best to do a detox only once the spring has melted the ice, the world around us has started to warm up and nature starts to burst into life again. Our bodies relax into the increasing warmth and our vital fluids start to flow more freely and by detoxing at this time we can be in tune with the seasons.

It is interesting how there is alignment between East and West regarding cleansing of toxins in spring. There are long standing traditions in Britain and Europe to do a spring detox using cleansing herbs like dandelion, nettles and cleavers, alongside eating a light diet with plenty of fresh greens. Spring is when the world wakes up –  we can observe the rising of heat in the natural world, the flow of sap through the trees and the growth of plants all around us. In our bodies internal toxins, which have been accumulating through the winter, begin to surface too. If we eliminate them now we can lay a good foundation for health through the summer. Once cleansed of toxins, the body is able to operate its homeostatic mechanisms and maintain balance in body and mind unimpeded by toxic accumulations.

Your Detox

If your health is generally good you can do a fairly thorough home detox following simple guidelines. A short period of detoxification at least once a year is recommended, but not for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and patients with chronic degenerative diseases, cancer or tuberculosis. If you suffer from chronic health problems you may have a more deep-seated state of toxicity, in which case it is better to consult a practitioner for their guidance on specific recommendations for your particular detox programme as it is possible that deeper cleansing therapy is needed.

A detox programme can help the body’s natural cleaning process by:

  • Enhancing good digestion
  • Resting the organs through fasting;
  • Stimulating the liver to clear toxins from the body;
  • Promoting elimination through the bowels, kidneys and skin;
  • Improving circulation of the blood and lymph using massage and exercise.
  • This can then be followed by nourishing the body with healthy nutrients.

How Good is your Digestion?

Good digestion is vital for optimum health – incomplete or disordered digestion is where the first stages of disease begin. When our digestion is good, our food is digested and assimilated to nourish our tissues, and the waste products are passed out through regular bowel movements.

The waste products of incomplete digestion are the most common type of toxin. While agni is light, clean, hot and pure, ama is described as heavy, thick, cold, sticky and foul smelling. Incompletely digested food materials ferment and set up an internal environment that supports the growth of pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and parasites. Endotoxins irritate the gut lining causing small holes in the gut wall, (known as leaky gut syndrome), which allows molecules of undigested and partially digested food as well as toxins through the gut wall. These wreak havoc with our immune system and predispose us to food allergies and autoimmune disease.

Our ability to digest well is greatly influenced by our reactions to our external environment. The wrong diet and lifestyle, incompatible food combinations, the effect of the weather or season, repressed emotions and stress can all adversely affect our digestion. When food is not digested well, partially digested or undigested foods remain in the gut, then ferment and produce toxins which enter the blood stream and circulate throughout the body. Toxins in the gut are increased by eating too much or too little, eating when stressed or before the previous meal is properly digested, by eating late or going to sleep on a full stomach, or by eating foods that are left over, processed, old or fermented. Gut toxicity blocks the assimilation of beneficial nutrients, meaning that the right nutrients and remedies cannot be properly utilised by the body.

The great news is that your digestive system can clear toxicity from the body if you just support it a little through dietary changes; 

  • Take good quality probiotic supplements to help balance the bacterial population of your gut (we like Wise Owl E505)
  • Make sure 70% of your diet are vegetables to provide enough fibre for regular bowel movements and to support a healthy gut flora
  • Include detoxifying foods such as beetroot, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, spirulina and chlorella, and drink at least 2 litres of water a day
  • Relax! It is not enough to eat well if you are tense, stressed, over worked and you don’t allow enough time for rest, relaxation and sleep. Burning the candle at both ends is a debt which will inevitably be repaid!
  • Fast: the length and type of fast depends on your dosha and how you are feeling at the time. Fasting for vata and pitta could be a day of light nourishing food such as kitcheri, whereas kapha may prefer a day of only herbal teas or light broths. The aim is to free up energy for cleansing and healing, so long or very severe fasts that deplete the body are not recommended.


Taking time to de-stress is of paramount importance. Stress – pressure from external demands or internal expectation – is one of the biggest issues in many peoples’ lives and it triggers your body to release stress-hormones into the bloodstream. While these can provide the energy and motivation to work hard or meet a deadline, in large amounts they create toxins and slow down detoxification enzymes in the liver. It’s a good idea while you are physically detoxing to think about emotionally detoxing as well. Take stock of your life with a view to minimising stress, finding new ways of coping with it or increasing your resilience to it.

Yoga and meditation are simple and effective ways to relax and help transform your attitude to life and its inevitable stresses. We all have a wealth of experience, much of it challenging, which may remain unprocessed and unresolved and allowing time for processing may be easier than you think. One of the simplest ways to do this is by having regular quiet-times or practicing meditation so that we let emotions come to the surface. There are many free yoga and meditation tutorials online, you can try this 20 minute beginners guided meditation by Jon Kabat-Zinn for instance. In the same way that some physical detoxes require the support of trained practitioners, some emotional detoxes also require external support to process and clear the emotional toxins.


You can cleanse and protect your liver by taking herbs such as dandelion root, burdock and milk thistle, adding turmeric to your diet and drinking green tea. Taking a supplement of vitamin C helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that also helps break down toxins.


Yoga, Qi Gong, T’ai chi and pilates are all great exercise that are accessible for most people. However, simply walking in the fresh air is also excellent – and free! One hour every day is ideal – but even ten or twenty minutes is great if you are busy. Practicing breathing deeply will also allow more oxygen to circulate through your system and enhance your body’s ability to repair itself.


There are several herbs that could prove very useful in clearing toxins from the gut:

  • Cat’s claw, garlic, myrrh, andrographis, olive leaf and reishi mushroom are all excellent for combating ‘unfriendly’ gut micro-organisms.
  • Oregon grape, elecampane, dill, burdock, bearberry, calendula, Echinacea, fennel and kelp act similarly.
  • Aloe vera juice, (25 mls twice daily) is soothing, immune enhancing and combats dysbiosis.

Preventative Measures

However effective a detox is, prevention is the key to health, so the best plan is to prevent a build-up of toxins through a healthy lifestyle:

  • Exercise every day to improve your digestion and elimination
  • Eat a healthy diet which as much organic food as possible
  • Do a daily oil massage to flush out toxins through the skin
  • Drink herbal teas regularly to improve digestion
  • Practice relaxation or meditation every day to help reduce stress. Enjoy yourself!
  • Avoid smoking, the use of recreational drugs, coffee, alcohol and white sugar and over-work.

Let us know if these tips help you live a more balanced life.

See you next month!

Anne x

Please note:

It is recommended that we should detox at least once a year and a short detoxifying programme is generally safe, but is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and patients with chronic degenerative diseases, cancer or tuberculosis.

Ayurvedic Apprenticeship 2020 – UPDATE SOLD OUT

Anne is offering a unique opportunity of studying with her for a series of 4 two day workshops during 2020 devised for herb lovers, students and practitioners alike. She will introduce you to the basic and yet inspiring concepts of Ayurveda and relate these to an understanding of yourselves and others as well as to the use of herbs.

The apprenticeship runs over four sets of weekday between April and September 2020. The course will consist of written material as well as 4 practical workshops during which we will cover in some detail the incredible body of wisdom that Ayurveda offers, with its complete path of healing that can enhance our lives in profound and lasting ways. It also includes a delicious vegetarian lunch and refreshments on both days.
We will be looking both at the herbs which surround us, as well as those used traditionally within the Ayurvedic tradition. We will discuss their pranic qualities and how they may be used from both Western and Eastern perspectives for a range of different health issues. You will be given detailed monographs of a variety of these herbs. Year 2 will follow on from year 1 and is suitable for those that have already completed Anne’s first year apprenticeship, and those who have studied Anne’s online course. 

The course will be held at Anne’s home in the Cotswolds, where she has a beautiful herb garden with over 150 medicinal plants, laid out in a spiral that represents a journey through a woman’s life expressed through herbs.

2020 Apprenticeship Dates *SOLD OUT*
Year 1 – Tuesdays and Wednesdays 
April 28th & 29th
June 9th & 10th
July 14th & 15th
September 8th & 9th

Year 2 – Tuesdays and Wednesdays *SOLD OUT*
May 5th & 6th
June 2nd & 3rd
July 7th & 8th
September 15th & 16th

*SOLD OUT* For all four workshops: £695 early-bird offer if booked before 30th November 2019, usually £750. Includes lunch each day.

Rasayana Therapy Workshop at The Clover Mill

Join Anne at the beautiful Clover Mill on September 24th and 25th 2019 where she will be holding a rasayana therapy workshop.

Rasayana is a Sanskrit word that comes from rasa and ayana. It means “that which negates old age and disease through the conservation, transformation, and revitalisation of energy.” Rasa nourishes our body, boosts immunity and helps to keep the body and mind in vibrant health. Ayana means path, so rasayana therapy is a path of nourishment and rejuvenation.

Rasayana or rejuvenation therapy is one of the eight main branches of Ayurveda. For 5000 years or so the wisdom of Ayurveda has provided guidelines for keeping us in a state of optimum health and well-being and thereby helping to slow the ageing process by increasing ojas, the source of our health and vibrancy.

Ayurveda’s vision of health and longevity expands well beyond health for its own sake; the purpose of rasayana or rejuvenation therapy is so that we can fulfil our spiritual purpose. The longer we live in a state of optimal health the more opportunity there will be for living in harmony with the natural world and attaining the ultimate aim of Ayurveda, nothing short of moksha!

Click here to go to the Clover Mill website for prices and to book.

The Herbal Path, Portugal

Join me in the Algarve on 18th and 19th September 2019 for another two day residential at the lovely Melilotus herb farm hosted by the wonderful duo Maureen Robertson and Jose Melo. This time we will be exploring the Ayurvedic approach to detoxification.

In the Ayurvedic tradition, detoxification followed by rejuvenation (rasayana) is the first step to enhancing health of mind and body. Regular periods of detoxification can help to protect us from developing health problems, increase our energy and vitality and promote a sense of joy and wellbeing.​

The accumulation of toxins is part of life and can affect us on both physical as well as subtle levels. Psychologically, when we are not able to process difficult times in life, mental and emotional toxins accumulate from holding onto negative emotions and undigested experiences. ​

The incredible teachings of Ayurveda provide us with wise counsel for helping us to let go of these toxins as well as a medicine chest of remedies from the natural world to bring us back into harmony in body and mind. During our two days workshop we will explore many of these and you will leave with a deeper understanding of Ayurveda as well as practical tools for self healing. 

For more information and bookings please click through to their website.

A Series of One Day Herb Courses at Artemis House

Join Anne in her beautiful herb garden for an introduction to the medicinal benefits of the herbs you know and love and learn how to make them into remedies at home.

Anne is offering three one-day workshops over a few weeks this summer that can be taken either together as a series or singularly. She will introduce you to the amazing healing benefits of the herbs you know and love which might be growing in your gardens or wild in the surrounding countryside.

Workshop 1 June 13th 2019 – The day will include a full tour of the herb garden where you will learn how the spiral layout and plant positioning represents a woman’s journey through life from birth to paradise. We will be looking at the uses of the different herbs for everyday ailments.  

Workshop 2 on June 28th 2019 – The day will include learning how to cook simple gluten, dairy, and sugar free recipes for good gut health.

Workshop 3 on July 4th 2019 – The day will include harvesting some of the herbs from the garden and making preparations so that you will leave with growing confidence to use herbs to help treat simple ailments at home. 

Anne has an impressive herb garden laid out in a spiral representing a journey through life expressed through herbs. Weather permitting, there will be an opportunity to be taken round the spiral of life!

For more information email us on clinic@annemcintyre.com or phone 01451 810096.

Hawkwood College – An Introduction to Ayurveda

I am thrilled to be able to tell you that I am teaching an Introduction to Ayurveda at a new venue for me, Hawkwood College, this year.

Hawkwood College is in a Grade II listed 19th Century country house with 42 acres of grounds overlooking the Severn Vale.  It was founded in 1948 and they describe themselves as ‘an ethical centre providing courses, facilitating training and offering venue hire, set in a beautiful location in the Cotswolds.’  Residential students have access to a Woodland Sanctuary, mature ornamental grounds and can visit the Victorian half-walled gardens where fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers are grown to use in the house.

I will be teaching an introduction to Ayurveda over the course of the weekend, including practical work such as herb tasting in with the other lessons.  We will cover Ayurvedic philosophy, the basics of anatomy, physiology and constitution, diagnosing with pulses, de-toxing, diet, herbs and lifestyle.

Fully inclusive residential single £265; shared £225; Non-residential £185 includes supper Friday, lunch and supper Saturday and lunch on Sunday, plus all refreshments.

Arrival 4.00-6.00pm on Friday. Course begins with supper together on Friday followed by introductory session. Course ends with tea and cake at 4.00pm on Sunday, followed by departure.

To book please contact Hawkwood College on 01453 759 034 or click HERE to book online.

Introduction to Ayurveda weekend at Artemis House 30th & 31st July 2016

Join Anne for a weekend introduction to Ayurveda – a wonderful opportunity to learn about the healing wisdom of Ayurveda, a truly inspiring and practical approach to enhancing health, happiness and longevity.  This course is based at Anne’s home in the Cotswolds and will comprise a balance of teaching and practical sessions in Anne’s beautiful herb garden (weather permitting!).

Living Wisdom: The Foundations in Ayurveda

What is Living Wisdom?

I am a Medical Herbalist and an Ayurvedic Practitioner and as one of the few Ayurvedic practitioners in the UK I have seen the ever-increasing popularity of Yoga raise awareness of its sister science, Ayurveda. With its emphasis on preventative health, healing and promotion of longevity, Ayurveda is more than a system of medicine, it is a way of life that aims to enhance well-being through the union of physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Feedback from my books ‘The Ayurveda Bible’ and ‘Dispensing with Tradition’, made me realise that there was a need for an easily accessible, yet in-depth, introduction to Ayurveda. So, I collaborated with my friend and American polarity therapist, Gina Mastroluca, and in 2015 we launched our online course Living Wisdom: The Foundations of Ayurvedawww.learnlivingayurveda.com.

Living Wisdom offers a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of Ayurveda based on my extensive experience presenting Eastern philosophy in an accessible way for the Western mind. The course has been carefully structured to appeal to a range of people including yoga teachers, herbal practitioners, nutritional therapists and medical professionals, while still being accessible to everyone interested in improving their health and wellbeing. Covering 700 pages of Ayurvedic nutrition, herbal medicine, sattvic lifestyle and meditation practices over eight online modules, students will have access to online student forums, plus optional seasonal workshops to support their studies and journey through the course.

The course is only £395 for access to all the lessons, for more information please visit www.learnlivingayurveda.com.

The Clover Mill

The Clover Mill – a boutique Ayurvedic Spa retreat.

‘The Clover Mill is a beautiful restful retreat, with lavish and innovative eco-accommodation to five star standards. Uniquely, it offers beautiful spa facilities, individualised treatments, yoga classes, training and dining founded on the ancient art and science of Ayurveda. It is the ultimate wellbeing escape; come and unwind with us.’  www.theclovermill.com

I have just visited The Clover Mill with some friends and spent two amazing days there – my photos don’t really do it justice!  The whole experience – from the food, to the treatment rooms, the grounds and the atmosphere – was just fantastic and I am now incredibly excited to be going back to teach three workshops over the course of this summer.

Course 1 – June 30th – July 3rd – Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle to Balance Mind and Body

We will introduce the basic principles of Ayurveda, and help you discover your own constitutional type. You will learn how diet, herbs and lifestyle can help balance your constitution, and improve your health, happiness and wellbeing. From £795 per person fully inclusive of meals, accommodation, study course, consultation with Anne, Ayurvedic treatment and yoga class.

Course 2 – August 11-14th – Ayurveda for the Heart and Mind

We will introduce the basic principles of Ayurveda and the subtle anatomy of the heart and mind. We will explore our own mental and emotional constitutions and discover how the tools of Ayurveda, diet, herbs, meditation and lifestyle can help us to cultivate peace, joy and balance.  From £795 per person fully inclusive of meals, accommodation, study course, consultation with Anne, Ayurvedic treatment and yoga class.

Course 3 – September 22-25th – Ayurveda for Women

We will introduce the basic principles of Ayurveda to enable us to understand ourselves and the cycles of womanhood. We will discuss how Ayurvedic diet, lifestyle and herbs can support us during the different seasons of our life, helping us to balance menstrual cycles, enhance fertility, prepare for the menopause and support us in later years.  From £795 per person fully inclusive of meals, accommodation, study course, consultation with Anne, Ayurvedic treatment and yoga class.

Additional Benefits:

  • Personal Ayurvedic consultation with Anne (30mins)
  • Free copy of Anne’s Ayurveda Bible
  • Ayurvedic treatment (60mins)
  • Yoga Class (60mins)

Each of these weekends are designed to stand alone, but all three taken consecutively provide a comprehensive introduction to Ayurveda.

If you would like any further information on the retreats please contact The Clover Mill on 01886 880 859 or retreat@theclovermill.com.

If you are interested in this you may also like:

Living Wisdom: The Foundations of Ayurveda – by Anne McIntyre with Gina Mastroluca:  Covering 700 pages of Ayurvedic nutrition, herbal medicine, sattvic lifestyle and meditation practices over eight online modules, students will have access to online student forums, plus optional seasonal workshops to support their studies and journey through the course.  £395.

Summer Workshops

Summer Workshop fliers:

I love sharing the knowledge I have gained over the years with others on courses and lectures.  It’s wonderful imaging where a student’s personal path will take them from when I meet them onwards through their herbal life.

But sometimes the business side of organising these courses is a real drag!

Something that has helped recently is that we’ve been looking at some more eye catching promotional material for the summer courses and have come up with the fliers below.  They are making me really happy!