Apprenticeship Spring/Summer 2010

A marvelous opportunity to learn through hands-on experience
with a herbalist who has been practicing for 30 years.

I have an opening for an apprentice to live and work with me at Artemis House this spring and summer. You can see pictures of the herb garden here on the website.

The nature of activities that an apprentice would be involved with include the following:

  • Planting and tending herbs in the garden – I currently have 150 varieties.
  • Preventing the garden from developing into a jungle! The garden is open to the public throughout the summer so needs to look good.
  • Being creative with the design and planting of sections of the garden, such as making “Paradise” suitably beautiful!
  • Harvesting the herbs and preparing tinctures and glycerites for use within the Practice.
  • Planting and tending the vegetable garden.
  • Assisting with the running of the Practice – answering the phone, making appointments, preparing and dispensing medicines -we use tinctures, powders, creams and capsules.

Apprentices can ask me about patients they have dispensed for and discuss my protocol for the treatment I have suggested for them.  This is a wonderful way to improve one’s knowledge of herbal applications in the context of healing.

Board and lodging are provided in return for working in the garden and practice as detailed above.  Apprentices can either camp in the garden or there is a possibility of accommodation in my home.  Apprentices are welcomed into my home and, as such, would be expected to participate in the smooth running of the household eg housework, cooking etc.

You will be able to join in the weekly herb walks that I give around my herb garden which is “a journey through life expressed through herbs”.  Also you can attend any other lectures that I will be giving during your stay.

Artemis House is located in a small village in the heart of the Cotswolds.  Bicycles are available if you want to explore the immediate vicinity.  There is public transport from the village for those who want to venture further afield – either to the Georgian elegance of Cheltenham, the dreaming spires of Oxford and the sophistication and excitement of the great metropolis of London.

If you are interested please email me and give me details about yourself. I look forward to hearing from you!