The garden at Artemis House is enormously important to my clinic, patients and students - and to me! It is...

The garden at Artemis House is enormously important to my clinic, patients and students - and to me! It is...
Burdock is a handsome biennial plant with large rhubarb-like leaves, found growing wild in waste places and on roadsides. It...
This familiar wildflower is a member of the Asteracea/Compositeae family. With its cheerful yellow flower and remarkable resilience, dandelion has...
I am absolutely delighted - and very, very excited - to tell you that this year I am teaching 'Mastering...
Vata, composed of the elements air and ether, is the most mobile dosha in the body as well as being...
Ashwagandha is one of the most highly regarded Ayurvedic herbs and one I have loved to use for many years....
“While the ploughman near at hand Whistles o’er the furrow’d land, And the milkmaid singeth blithe, And the mower whets...
“She will write him a letter to tell him How cool and wet her garden is this July, How beautiful...
I love watching the colours of the garden change, from the first green spring shoots, through the delicate yellow of...
I love my regular walks around the Cotswold village where I live as there are so many relatively wild areas...
Other Names: Starweed, adder's mouth, alsine media, bird's eye, Indian chickweed, mouse ear, bird seed, passerina, satin flower, scarwort, star...
As you may know, last Autumn I fell awkwardly in my garden while teaching and badly broke my ankle. I...