About Anne

Anne McIntyre is a Fellow of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, a Member of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy, and a Member of the Ayurvedic Professionals Association.

Anne has trained as a herbalist, Ayurvedic practitioner, remedial masseuse, aromatherapist, homeopath and counsellor and has been in clinical practice working as a medical herbalist for over 40 years. Using a blend of Western herbal medicine and Ayurveda, she offers an integrated approach to the care of patients and prescription of herbs. Anne runs a busy practice from her home in the Cotswolds in Gloucestershire. She lectures widely on herbal medicine and Ayurveda in the UK, Europe and America and runs courses from her home in Gloucestershire where she has a beautiful herb garden which she uses for both tours and teaching.

Anne is the author of many books on herbal medicine and Ayurveda including The Complete Woman’s Herbal, Healing Drinks, The Complete Floral Healer, Herbal Medicine for Children: Western and Ayurvedic Perspectives, The Complete Herbal Tutor, The Ayurveda Bible and Dispensing with Tradition: A Guide to using Indian and Western Herbs the Ayurvedic Way.